Prayers of the People October 29, 2023

These are the Prayers of the People that will be used during church this week. We encourage you to use them as part of your personal prayers this week.

Friends, the Lord has been our refuge from one generation to another. Let us pray to our God, saying, “Show your servants your works, O Lord, and be gracious to us.”

We pray for the leaders of the Church. Give Bishops, Priests, Deacons, and lay leaders gentle and loving hearts. Empower us to share the gospel and ourselves with those in need. Guide our words and actions so we may be the hands and feet of Christ to all we meet.
Show your servants your works, O Lord, and be gracious to us.

We pray for all humankind. Prosper the work of our hands. May all those who work earn a fair wage. May those without work find strength and encouragement in your love. Give us hearts to respect the dignity of every human being.

At this time you are invited to add your thanksgivings and petitions.

Show your servants your works, O Lord, and be gracious to us.

We pray for all creation. You brought forth the mountains. You gave birth to the land and the earth. Give us the desire and will to care for all you have made. Guide our decisions as we seek to implement our Master Plan and be a place of respite in the community.
Show your servants your works, O Lord, and be gracious to us.

We pray for the areas in which we live. O God, we want to obey what you command. Help us to love our neighbors as ourselves.We seek encouragement in our ministry with Feed My Sheep and our connections with other congregations including Buelah Baptist.
Show your servants your works, O Lord, and be gracious to us.

We pray for the afflicted and the suffering. Nurse them back to health as a mother tenderly nurses her children. (Please read the first names of those on our prayer list.)

You are invited to share the names of those in need of healing and comfort.

Show your servants your works, O Lord, and be gracious to us.

And we pray for those who weep and mourn We pray for those who have died. Though we are swept away like a dream in this mortal life, you promise to raise us to life immortal through your Son. (Please read the first names any who have died or are grieving from our prayer list).

You are invited to share the names of others recently departed.

Show your servants your works, O Lord, and be gracious to us.