Prayers of the People September 11, 2022

These are the Prayers of the People that will be used during church this week. We encourage you to use them as part of your personal prayers this week.

Please join in the Prayers of the People. The congregational response is “and help us to do your will.”

Good Shepherd, seeker of lost sheep, we thank you for seeking and finding us. Keep us keep from going astray and give us a willingness to repent when we do stray. Thank you for the joy you prepare for us in our eternal home.
Good Shepherd, lead us, and help us to do your will.

Jesus, you consider those without you to be harassed and helpless. Help us follow your example by loving those who far from the faith, as well as all who are rejected by society. May we reach out to the homeless, the recent immigrants, the prisoners and those who are difficult to love.
Good Shepherd, lead us, and help us to do your will.

We remember in our prayers all the shepherds of your Church, in particular our Diocesan Bishops, Susan and Jennifer, our Bishop-elect, Mark, our retired Bishop Ted, our Rector, Stacy, as well as all bishops, priests, and deacons. May they, by their love and witness, inspire your children to greater service.
Good Shepherd, lead us, and help us to do your will.

We remember in our prayers the leaders of the nations. We pray especially for Joe, our President, Glen, our Governor, and for all our federal, state and local leaders. May they lead with justice, mercy and humility.
Good Shepherd, lead us, and help us to do your will.

We give you thanks for Holy Communion and pray that we may live in Christ as he is in us. Bless all who minister the sacraments and care for your people. Guide all who are working in mission and outreach, both at home and abroad.
Good Shepherd, lead us, and help us to do your will.

We pray for the peoples of Ukraine and Afghanistan who are suffering the ravages of war—hunger, cold, grief and displacement. We thank you for all who are sacrificing their time and resources to meet their needs. We pray for the soldiers who are fighting to preserve their country’s freedom. Bring war and terror to an end.
Good Shepherd, lead us, and help us to do your will.

We remember in our prayers this congregation. We ask you to guide our ministries, especially the group studying Bishop Michael Curry’s book, Love is the Way, and the men’s group, St. Brigid’s Brigade, as they seek to understand your Word and apply it in their daily lives. May we encourage each other to delight in you and follow in your ways. Let us love one another and remember to pray for our fellow members.
Good Shepherd, lead us, and help us to do your will.

Guide us as we plan a memorial honoring the enslaved people who built our church, and as we continue to seek your guidance in developing our relationship with Beulah Baptist Church. Through these and other initiatives, help us to further the cause of racial justice and equity in our community. If it is your will, may we develop an interracial ministry partnership, grounded in mutuality.
Good Shepherd, lead us, and help us to do your will.

We remember in our prayers all those who are in suffering in body or spirit, as well as those who care for them. We pray for protection, healing and comfort for those on our church prayer list, in particular (Read the first names of those on our prayer list). Please share the first names of others who need healing and hope.

The congregation may share the names of those in need

Good Shepherd, lead us, and help us to do your will.

We pray for all who have entered into your presence and are enjoying your everlasting care, especially (Read the first names of those on our church prayer list). Please share the first names of others who have died recently.

The congregation may add the names of others recently departed

Good Shepherd, lead us, and help us to do your will.

Please add your personal requests or thanksgivings.

The congregation may offer personal prayers

Good Shepherd, lead us, and help us to do your will.