Take-away Nugget from LOVE IS THE WAY by Bishop Michael Curry

For five insightful weeks our group has discussed LOVE IS THE WAY by Presiding Bishop Curry. The take-away nugget for me from this book is where he talks about the need to both be on your knees and at the same time stand tall about issues confronting us as followers of Jesus in today’s culture. This really speaks to my heart as there are so many overwhelming issues facing us and I often feel like I am treading water, but Bishop Curry directs us prayerfully seek God’s will as we then step out confidently in faith. For me, this means that while I can’t do everything, I can do something and the something for me is working to ease food insecurity for my neighbors. I keep the issue of folks not having enough good food in my prayers and then use my time and financial resources to step out confidently to support Feed My Sheep and the Culpeper Food Closet. I am thankful to have had this book study to help me clarify this work in my life.

Faith Dickerson

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