How will the Congregation be Involved?

So, hopefully after the last several posts regarding the Master Plan, you are beginning to see the importance of this project and maybe even are excited about its potential. So, how can you be involved?

Over the next several weeks, the Master Plan working group will begin announcing times when members of the congregation can meet with them and Julie Basic, PLA to discuss the options. We currently expect to have open sessions early in the process and then again when we have a draft proposal. At each of these points, we will hold three meetings. One that will be open to all members of the congregation, one for members of the Vestry, and one for members of the Historic Trust and Preservation Foundation.

In addition to these listening sessions, you are invited to to reach out to any one serving on the Master Plan working group at any time.

Peace, Rev. Stacy

This post is part of the following series:

  • What is a Master Plan? ā€“ September 2
  • Why a Master Plan Now? ā€“ September 9
  • Who is part of the Master Plan Working Group? ā€“ September 16
  • How will the Congregation be Involved? ā€“ September 23
  • When will the Master Plan be Complete? ā€“ September 30